Did you know that there are special fairy places all over the world and the Isle of Skye is one one of them? This beautiful place is on the west coast of Scotland and it’s full of fairy legends – a real fairy wonderland!
The Isle of Skye has magical castles, grassy hillsides and babbling brooks – the perfect home for fairy friends! There are even lots of places on Skye with fairy names, showing just how important they are to the history of this enchanted place. Check out some of the Magic Belles favourite fairy spots on Skye…
Dunvegan Castle and its Famous Fairy FlagDunvegan is one of the oldest castles in Scotland and was home for many years to the MacLeods, an important Scottish clan. It is also home to the famous Fairy Flag. According to legend, this was a gift to the MacLeods from the fairies for defeating a naughty spirit. Visitors can see the flag on display!
The Fairy PoolsThank you Robbie Shade
for the lovely photo.
These crystal clear freshwater pools are nestled in a hidden stream, which has lots of beautiful waterfalls, too. Visitors love to go swimming here, even though the water is freezing cold! You can just imagine the cheeky fairies giggling at the shivering swimmers! Isn’t the water a beautiful colour?
The Fairy BridgeThank you Alex Brown
for the lovely photo.
Close to Dunvegan Castle, this sweet little bridge is said to be where the fairy wife of the MacLeod clan chief said goodbye to him before she returned to Fairyland. This is when she gave him the Fairy Flag. She told him that it would protect him from danger whenever he waved it.
The Fairy GlenThank you David Skinner
for the lovely photo.
This is a large grassy meadow with lots and lots of cone-shaped grassy hills. At the bottom of the glen are stone circles, where you can make a wish to the fairies and leave a coin if you like. Some people even say there’s a fairy castle in the glen, made of rock. It’s a fun place to explore and the perfect place for a sunny picnic!
Now you can see why the Magic Belles think Skye is a magical place! Do you know any secret fairy places? What about at the end of your garden or in your local park or a forest? The Magic Belles know lots more magical places and they can’t wait to share them with you!
If you know any special fairy places, do email us and let us know about them! The Magic Belles would love to flutter by and visit! With love and magic dust from your fairy friends, the Magic Belles xxx